
Module: dggal
Class: DGGRS

DGGRSZone getZoneFromCRSCentroid(int level, CRS crs, const Pointd centroid)


Return the DGGRS zone within which the specified coordinates (in a particular CRS or the default CRS) fall


level  int  The refinement level of the zone to return 
crs  CRS  The CRS in which the position coordinates are expressed (0 for the default) 
centroid  const Pointd  The position for which to return the zone within which it falls 
Return Value DGGRSZone  The zone in which the position falls 


ISEA3H isea3H { };
DGGRSZone zone = isea3H.getZoneFromCRSCentroid(16, { epsg, 4326 }, { 45, -75 });


This method will likely be renamed to reflect the fact that the specified position no longer needs to be the centroid of a zone.